On this edition of Green Street, Patti and Doug talk with Dr. Sharima Rasanayagam, Science Director for Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, about the state of the evidence linking breast cancer with a host of chemicals in the environment.

Life is an obstacle course. Let us help you navigate your way through an
increasingly toxic world.
On this edition of Green Street, Patti and Doug talk with Dr. Sharima Rasanayagam, Science Director for Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, about the state of the evidence linking breast cancer with a host of chemicals in the environment.
Updated: May 16, 2019
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the Pink Ribbon campaign is in full swing. The signs are everywhere – even the NFL teams are wearing pink shoes and pink gloves and pink armbands to remind people about breast cancer…..as if people need to be reminded about it.
Millions of people are going to be marching this month for BC awareness, and to raise money for research. So we’ve got all this awareness, and a ton of money pouring in for the fight against breast cancer, so how are we doing? Well….not as well as we should. In fact, we’re not really making any progress at all.
On this edition of Green Street, Patti and Doug talk with author Samantha King about her new book – and now movie! – Pink Ribbons, Inc.