Years ago, "Lead Safe Mama" Tamara Rubin's family was poisoned by lead. Now she's on a campaign to make sure every parent knows about the presence of lead in consumer products and food.

This week on Green Street, Patti and Doug talk about how big oil is interfering with climate change research at universities around the world, PFAS in firefighting gear, and the disturbing amount of single-use plastic used in modern agriculture. Then “Lead Safe Mama” Tamara Rubin tells about her experience with lead poisoning in her family, and how it drove her to start testing all kinds of products and food for the presence of toxic lead. Every parent needs to hear this!
Links from the Interview
Tamara Rubin's website:
Links from the News
Big oil is funding universities around the world to slow down research on climate change:
Two states are banning PFAS in firefighting gear:
Microplastic contamination in modern agriculture: