We can't continue on our current lifestyle trajectory and expect the human race to survive.

This week on Green Street, Patti and Doug talk about white roofs and how they reduce urban heat, and a new study showing that chemicals from tires are ending up in our food supply. Then Kyla Bennett, Science Policy Director for PEER talks about the fate of humans in a world challenged by climate change, plastic pollution, and chemical toxins.
Links from the interview:
Kyla Bennet and PEER:https://peer.org/author/kyla-bennett/
Sewage sludge carrying PFAS:https://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/2024/02/08/pfas-sewage-sludge/
Wild mammals only make up 4% of mammals on earth:https://ourworldindata.org/wild-mammals-birds-biomass
Links from the news:
Saving cities from extreme heat:https://www.route-fifty.com/infrastructure/2024/07/surprisingly-simple-way-cities-could-save-people-extreme-heat/398073/:~:text=So%20scientists%20and%20urban%20designers,more%20passive,%20simple%20cooling%20techniques.
Car tires shedding dangerous chemicals and plastics:https://civileats.com/2024/07/16/tracking-tire-plastics-and-chemicals-from-road-to-plate/#:~:text=Tire%2Dderived%20microplastics%20are%20a,the%20environment%20via%20tire%20microplastics.