The inside story of the world's most popular weed killer and its toxic impact on humans.

This week on Green Street Patti and Doug talk about pesticide spraying for mosquitoes carrying Eastern Equine Encephalitis ("Triple E”), how a midwestern health center actually helped pay for an artificial turf field at a high school, and how the City of Los Angeles is responding to increased stormwater by making the city more “sponge-like.” Then investigative reporter and author Carey Gillam, talks about her award-winning work uncovering the corporate malfeasance and corruption regarding the infamous toxic pesticide glyphosate, known commonly as RoundUp, which remains on store shelves today.
Links from the Interview:
Carey Gillam's website:
The New Lede:
Links from the News
Beyond Pesticides press release about mosquito spraying and the threat of EEE:
A health company helps pay for an artificial turf field:
Link to the Digest of Independent Studies on Synthetic Turf and Human Health:
What happens when a concrete jungle becomes more of a sponge?